Ecosperity 2017
5th June 2017 - Grand Ballroom, The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore
Tomorrow Starts Today! Securing our Sustainable Future in Asia
09:00 – 10:00
Arrival and Networking Coffee
10:00 – 10:15
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Lim Boon Heng
10:15 – 10:30
Better Business, Better World: Launch of the Business for Sustainable Development Commission Asia Report
Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
Business and Sustainable Development Commission
The Business and Sustainable Development Commission was formed in Davos in 2016 and brings together leaders from business, finance, civil society, labour and international organizations, with the aims of mapping the economic prize that could be available to business if the UN Sustainable Development Goals are achieved, and describing how companies can contribute to delivering these goals. In a flagship report, Better Business, Better World, the commission offers its ideas in-depth. What are the key findings of the report and the opportunities for business in Asia?
10:30 – 10:45
A CEO Perspective: Getting Down to Business
Paul Polman
Chief Executive Officer
The business case for sustainable development is already strong: it opens up new opportunities and efficiency gains, drives innovation and enhances reputation and corporate performance. Companies that integrate sustainability into their value systems can attract and retain talent, customers and partners. They can also secure and expand their licenses to operate within priority markets. Yet, the journey of sustainable development in business is complex, unpredictable and takes real acts of leadership. What does it take for CEOs to strike out in new directions to rethink their economic models, growth strategies, value chains and more?
10:45 – 11:30
Better Markets: Major Opportunities for Sustainable Businesses
Cherie Nursalim
Vice Chairman
GITI Group -
Manish Sabharwal
Chairman and Co-Founder
TeamLease Services -
Dennis Thomsen
Co-Founder and CMO
Fluidic Energy -
Sunny George Verghese
Co-Founder and Group CEO
Olam International
Helen Hai
Goodwill Ambassador
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Achieving the Global Sustainability Development Goals can unlock trillions of dollars in economic value for the private sector. Much of these gains can be found within market opportunities in developing countries, in sectors such as food and agriculture, energy and materials, healthcare and infrastructure. Tackling the social and environmental challenges in these areas can go a long way towards creating a better future, by helping communities to reduce waste, save on energy, gain access to affordable housing, cultivate human capital, and live longer, healthier lives. Companies that tap into these and other openings also stand to improve their own long-term prospects and outperform competitors.
11:30 – 11:45
A Government Perspective: Investing in Change
H.E. Thomas Trikasih Lembong
Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)
Seeding, transforming and scaling industries that support the transition to more sustainable growth trajectories requires investment. While private sector has a critical role to play, what are some of the innovative ways and means by which governments can accelerate investment into areas that will not only generate economic returns, but also deliver environmental and social outcomes? How can governments attract ‘green investment’ and what are some of the incentives available for companies that are determined to make a difference?
11:45 – 12:30
Better Finance: A Quest for New Value
Hendrik du Toit
Chief Executive Officer
Investec Asset Management -
Hassan El Shabrawishi
Chief Innovation Officer
AXA Group -
Rana Karadsheh-Haddad
Country Manager (Singapore)
International Finance Corporation -
Vineet Rai
Aavishkaar-Intellecap Group
Dave Chen
Chairman and Founder
Equilibrium Capital
It takes enormous capital each year to fight against poverty, end hunger, provide universal access to health, clean water and energy, not to mention the high costs required to build sustainable cities and advance education, gender equality and human rights. Financing these ambitious goals is a tall order for investors everywhere. Is our global financial system oriented towards sustainable investing which demands long-term thinking? How are fintechs capturing the opportunities to bring capital to entrepreneurs in emerging economies? What innovative finance instruments can attract multiple sources of capital and enable investors to share risk?
12:30 – 14:30
Better Resilience: Strategic Responses to Build Climate and Resource-secure Societies*
Teo Chee Hean
Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security
Government of Singapore
Prof. Chan Heng Chee
Ambassador-at-Large and Chairman
Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
Nations thrive when people can enjoy peace, safety and abundance. How can world leaders embrace sustainability as a core strategy to provide their citizens with long-lasting security? How should they assess the realities of their countries’ unique attributes and critical pain points? In what ways should they develop and implement policies that enable them to invest and manage their natural resources, demographics, geography, foreign relations, and responses to global disruptions?
* Note: Lunch will be served during this conference segment followed by an Interactive Showcase
14:30 – 15:15
Innovation and Collaboration: Catalysts for a Better Tomorrow
Fu Chengyu
UN Global Compact Network China Board -
Dr. Noeleen Heyzer
Lee Kong Chian Distinguished Fellow
Singapore Management University (SMU) -
Sir David King
Dr. Marco Lambertini
Director General
WWF International
Sulian Tay
Managing Director, Investments
Innovation and new technologies can be game-changing for the pace and scale of sustainable development. Advances in digital, big data, machine learning, lean management and the sharing economy can have remarkable impact on progress. In a hyper-connected world, sources of innovation can also come from anywhere and everywhere, across R&D labs, think tanks, academia, public and private organizations and startups. How can leaders from diverse disciplines and different spheres of the global economy collaborate with each other to share ideas, build capabilities and networks, and form powerful partnerships that can bring transformative change?
15:15 – 15:30
Better Business, Better World: A Commitment to Action
Robin Hu
Head of Sustainability & Stewardship Group
15:30 onwards
End of Conference and Cocktail Reception